Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The SMART Way To Ripped Abs

It would seem painfully obvious to say that when you set out to work on developing lean and ripped abs you tend to concentrate your mind on the physical aspects of your plan. How many crunches should I do? What supplements should I be taking? How much cardio should I be doing etc.

This is only natural after all as working on your abs is by definition a physical undertaking. The problem is however, that far too many people completely ignore the role that the right mental attitude has to play and the importance of a clearly defined set of goals.

Far too many of us believe that just by turning up at the gym three or four times a week we will suddenly develop a fantastic physique with lean chiselled ripped abs. All that happens is that eventually this leads to a sense of disillusionment and the gym membership gets cancelled and the belly stays right where it is.

I feel sure you will be aware that the vast majority of super successful people, businessmen, sportsmen or whatever they may be, always have a clearly defined set of goals to work towards and a properly thought out plan. You just have to have a plan, it's as simple as that and without a goal to work to you will just not succeed.

Try to imagine an ice hockey game without the two goals at either end of the ice, no scoreboard and no time limits. Basically you would just have a bunch of angry, toothless Canadians hitting each other with sticks! To be fair this actually sounds quite entertaining but of course it would be ultimately completely pointless. Without a clearly defined goal your training will be just as futile.

In order to get the most from your plan you need to think SMART when setting your goals.

S: Specific

You need to be as specific as possible about what you are setting out to achieve.
If your ultimate goal is to lose weight, then be specific about how much, if you want see those ripped abs then be specific about how much you want to reduce your body fat.

M: Measurable

This ties in nicely with being specific. It is no good for example embarking on a training plan with the idea of just maybe getting a little bit fitter, or just getting a bit stronger. Define how much you are looking to achieve and measure your improvements accordingly. If you are at 23% body fat now and are looking to bring that down to lets say 10%, then that is a measurable goal.

A: Achievable

Be sensible about your goal, it has to be achievable. For example if you have never trained a day in your life and you currently weigh in about 60 pounds overweight with 40% body fat, then it is no good saying "I want chiselled ripped abs by the end of the month" Trust me, that ain't happening! If however, you decide you want ripped abs by this time next year then go for it because that is achievable.

R: Realistic

This ties in with being achievable. As long as you stay completely realistic about your goals then you can never run the risk of disillusionment and frustration. The best way to approach this would be to break your main goal down into realistic bite size chunks. This has the added benefit of keeping you motivated.
T: Time Bound

Be as specific as possible when it comes to the time frame of your goals. Write down the exact time and date of when you want to achieve your goal and then break it down into smaller mini goals. When you achieve your mini goals always remember to give yourself a huge pat on the back, after all you've earned it.

You should be constantly evaluating and reviewing your progress and adjusting your goals accordingly. The truth of the matter is that you can achieve absolutely anything you desire if you want it badly enough. Work SMART and work hard and a lean muscular physique with fantastic ripped abs is yours for the taking.

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